Hey Kathy,

Sorry to take so long to reply, but it's busy at work and haven't had the time 
I'd like "catching up" on my lists (no computer at home right now).  

Anyhoo, I was diagnosed with periodontal disease of the gums a couple years 
ago.  I don't remember now exactly how large my "gaps" were, but I have hardly 
any (if any) gaps at all now.  He did pull some teeth that he claimed were way 
too far gone but he agreed to a "wait and see" on a few others.  I still have 
all the others!  My dentist is always amazed when I'm in for a cleaning once 
every six months.  When I cleared the gum disease he of course wanted to know 
what I'd been doing.  But then, of course, his eyes kinda glazed over when I 
told him about the CS.  He just says keep doing whatever it is you're doing.  
He still has that same tunnel vision, as it comes up periodically when he looks 
back at my charts and is totally amazed at the difference in my gum health from 
then to now.

All I did was religiously swish CS for several minutes several times daily, 
then swallowed it.  So you are definitely on the right track!!  I think the 
water pik may allow you to reach places that swishing alone can't get to.  Now 
I'm not so fanatical about it daily, but when I have a dental visit coming up I 
try to do the swishing thing at least once or twice a day about a week or so 
before my appointment.

Hope this helps!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kathy 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 7:21 PM
  Subject: CS>abcessed gums

  It seems that I am having some dental problems, feels like a small abcess and 
a couple more places that are sensitive and just not "right". I've started 
using a water pick to get CS into the gums and also just swishing CS in the 
mouth. has anyone fixed a gum problem doing this? Could I just be pushing 
"gunk" deeper into a pocket with a water pik? 

  I'm not working at this time and don't have dental insurance so really don't 
want to go there....

