Rowena and group - 
If anyone is planning on using salt for Lyme, please do yourselves a favor
and learn the correct treatment protocol.  You will find the directions for
the protocol over at Lymestrategies along with a couple thousand members who
correspond about it on a daily basis and have for over five years who are
experienced and knowledgeable about this protocol.  The Lymestrategies
protocol  is absolutely NOT the recipe written below.  It is a simple recipe
of sea salt and Vitamin C in ratio to body weight and a strict ramp-up over
time methodology.  

Those who do use the Lymephotos approach below often find themselves in REAL
TROUBLE because they ramp up to fast and don't have an understanding as to
the physiological effects.  This will cause much toxicity to be released so
quickly in the body that the body can not eliminate it fast enough. And much
of the time the paths of elimination are blocked and not effectively working
  You will then feel extremely sick and uncomfortable and in the middle of a
huge Herx looking for help and what to do.  If you suspect you have Lyme or
want to know what the symptoms are please join


-------Original Message-------
From: Rowena
Date: 9/6/2008 1:28:47 AM
Subject: CS>Salt and Lyme
Some links at foot of post, as you should go to the sites specific to the
protocol to check out the whole deal.
Brine Therapy as a standalone:
Preparation of Himalayan Crystal Salt Brine
Loosely fill a closable glass container (such as a Mason jar) with several
crystal or rock salt pieces. Add pure spring or energized water, completely
filling the container.
After approximately 24 hours, look to see if the salt pieces have completely
dissolved. If so, add a few more crystals. When the water can no longer
dissolve any more salt, the salt crystals will sit at the bottom of the jar
without dissolving. At this point the solution will have become saturated at
26%, ready to use as brine.
The glass can be refilled again and again with water and salt, continuing
this process.
This brine solution is stable, and absolutely sterile & germ-free. It can be
stored for years in a closed glass container without it changing or
Directions for Many Uses of Himalayan Salt Brine
Brine Therapy and the Drinking Cure For Detoxification, Various forms of
Arthritis, Skin Problems (rashes, herpes), Reducing Addictive Desires, Flu
and Fever Relief, Rid Yourself of Heavy Metal Toxicity, Balance Your Body's
The easiest way to dissolve old sodium chloride poisons built up as
crystalline deposits in your system is to take the brine drinking cure.
From a bio-chemical viewpoint, within minutes, your whole stomach and
intestines are being stimulated. This further stimulates your digestion and
metabolism. Your overall availability of electrolytes is built up, and thus
the conductivity in your body is increased, which in turn affects your
circulation. The salt allows your energy currents to flow freely once again.
Drinking Himalayan Salt Brine is an excellent way to balance the pH factor
of your body. You can also eliminate toxicity from heavy metals such as
lead, mercury, arsenic and calcium. The brine is able to break up the
metal's molecular structures.
Every morning on an empty stomach, take anywhere from one drop to one
teaspoon of Himalayan Salt Brine, with a glass of energized water. Wait 10
minutes before eating or drinking anything else. The amount you take is not
as important as the regularity. It's better to take it regularly than in
large doses. It is very important to drink lots of energized water
throughout the day.
Lyme specific:
What I could find indicated equal quantities of each, but you should go to
the Lyme sites to get the details.  But you start small!  Then go up noting
the reactions on the way.
As far as treatment goes, the results were forthcoming with the taking of 8
grams or more. We have actually increased to as much as 24 grams, but find
that no one really wants to take that many pills in one day. Remember it is
a one-two punch: the treatment is both salt and vitamin C.