It's a video which loads up immediately the page opens.   I don't know how 
many megabytes it might be.
Penny's Testimonial
Watch Penny's heartfelt Story about beating cancer, with help from Doug 
Kaufmann.s book. "The Germ that Causes Cancer"

She had every side effect possible.  Went back to her Dr, asked if there was 
anything else. I don't think I will live through this.  He said Two out of 
three don't.   Saw herself in the pages of the book.  Fungus factor is very 
well known in cancer circles.  Wrote her a diflucan prescription.  Within 
five minutes of having the treatment, her insurance was denied.  Tried for 
Diflucan, that was denied.  Went on the strict diet, rotates her anti-fungus 
regime to give it a different whack every time.  Is now well.

http://www.know-the-cause.com/Home/tabid/36/Default.aspx This is the home 
site - It has a self loading video also of just a man with no background - 
rather novel.

http://www.know-the-cause.com/Articles/tabid/56/Default.aspx is the link to 
...In September 1999, Johns Hopkins medical researchers confirmed that 
virtually all chronic sinus infections were due to fungus. Not all findings 
are that solid. As a matter of fact, few are. Rather, scientists seem 
confused and startled at their own discoveries with regard to fungus. Fungus 
makes poisonous byproducts called mycotoxins. Antibiotics are one class of 
mycotoxins. Without this knowledge, however, many questions are raised when 
researchers stumble onto this seemingly elementary fact. Recently, 
researchers have discovered that antibiotics are contributing to everything 
from 2nd heart attacks to breast cancer. It is our hope that someday when 
discoveries like these are made, logic will supercede confusion.

A few months ago, cancer specialists declared that 30 to 50 percent of 
breast cancers were linked to diet and were therefore preventable. .....
At this point, left without the immunity to fight disease-causing germs, 
yeast and fungus multiply rapidly and the patients often succumb to 
"secondary" fungal infections. ...........

deep tissue fungal growth may be commonly diagnosed as cancer. 

A medical textbook used to educate Johns Hopkins medical students in 1957, 
Clinical and Immunologic Aspects of Fungous Diseases, declared that many 
fungal conditions look exactly like cancer! .......

I have been able to plead with doctors of advanced cancer patients to at 
least try antifungal drugs for their patients. Afterwards, simply amazing 
reports have come forth. Several of these have been published in The Germ 
That Causes Cancer. ........

What if patients with cancer already had yeast and fungal infections that 
grew out of control when their immune systems were damaged by chemotherapy? 
What if a lump was found that was an ascomycete (sac fungus) that appeared 
to diagnosticians to be cancer?
With few exceptions, doctors are good, caring, intelligent individuals. 
Surely they will not indefinitely support decades-old therapy modalities 
that so frequently fail..........

Getting a physician to prescribe simple antifungal drugs for a deadly 
disease is often impossible. The mentality seems to be, "if cancer were 
fungus, we'd have learned that in medical school." Couple this with what the 
medical industry refers to as "the standard of care," and real problems 
evolve. That "standard" rejects anything but chemotherapy, radiation or 
surgery for cancer patients. Even if physicians wanted to try antifungal 
therapy for their patients, doing so would, perhaps, be perceived as being 
at odds with the "standard of care."


 Indeed, some scientists believe that fungal pathogens account for more 
upper respiratory infections than bacteria and viruses combined. Fungi can 
cause all of the symptoms associated with low-grade, upper respiratory 
infections, such as mild fever and cough, chills, sweating, and headache. 
Examination of more serious fungal infections often leads to mistaken 
diagnoses of pneumonia, tuberculosis, meningitis, rheumatoid arthritis or 
even brain tumors.

Wilhelm R. Rosenblatt of the Tuberculosis Control Program, New Mexico Health 
and Environment Department, echoes this point. He comments that physicians 
often mistake coccidioidomycosis and histoplasmosis of the lungs for 
tuberculosis. He adds that when patients suffering from fungal lung 
infections, they have inadvertently been sent to tuberculosis hospitals, and 
then contract tuberculosis while there! p.30

Many of these studies have concluded that, when doctors treat their patients 
as though they had contracted tuberculosis, the histoplasmosis often worsens 
as a result of secondary effects of the antibiotics used to treat 
tuberculosis.p.140 This happens all too often today, when physicians 
prescribe antibiotics to treat other conditions, such as chronic sinusitis, 
which is typically caused by fungi and not bacteria. The antibiotics only 
assure the chronicity of the underlying, fungal problem.
 In other words, fungi liberated by digging equipment more than likely 
caused the infections.

Environmental disturbances that spread fungi comprise the common denominator 
between incidences like those in California and Indianapolis. Remember this 
next time when you or someone you know gets sick. Time spent in or around 
construction sites could be to blame.  ..........

It appears that the United States does not stand alone with regard to this 
problem. Speaking before a Biological Conference in Israel in 1976, the 
CDC's Ajello maintained that fungal diseases remained unreported worldwide.

Fungus Link, Volume 1
In this book, you will read practical information about what fungal illness 
is, how common a health problem it is, how to recognize it by its symptoms, 
and how to eradicate it from the body. The testimonials presented give 
strong support to the seriousness and frequency of fungal illness as a human 
health problem. I, too, have seen in my own practice fungi representing the 
primary underlying cause of diverse health conditions including chronic 
fatigue syndrome, crippling arthritis, severe intestinal disorders, chronic 
allergies, chronic respiratory illness, "brain fog" syndrome, depression, 
and chronic skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, pruritic dermatitis). The 
sections written by other health professionals prove that fungal illness is 
being recognized by more and more doctors for its serious impact on human 
health. -Wm Lee Cowden, M.D.

Price: $25.95


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