Gotcha. In the past if any way to screw it up, I'd find that way. Now, the 
words out of my mouth are that I CAN and I CAN DO IT RIGHT.

> From: Wayne Fugitt <>
> Date: 2008/09/21 Sun PM 09:07:46 CDT
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Water Distiller, Two Essentials
> Evening Leslie,
> At 02:41 PM 9/21/2008, you wrote:
> >Oh well....nice thought anyway. LOL
>    I did not say it would not work.
> Of course it will work fine.  It is nothing new, been around for a 
> long, long time.
> It is almost the same as the remote and primitive design that 
> requires nothing but a sheet of plastic and a hole in the 
> ground,  and your hat to catch the water. ( if you have a good hat )
> The best feature of the idea is the free energy.
> Wayne
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