Thanks. Yes, I am that Steve Norton. I guess the traffic from here
caused them to take down their site. I should have a printout of the
site some where. I do have plans that uses a microwave transformer and
variac to create a HV arc with gold electrodes and manual gap adjuster
but was hoping there was something simpler. I will have her try CS first
and also Ribose to see if that helps. Then iodine as Craig has
suggested. And if I go the generator route it may make sense to purchase
the generator that Chuck provided a link to. It certainly would be less
dangerous than the microwave transformer route. Everyone has given me so
much to consider so quickly.

Thanks to ALL.
 - Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: bob Larson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 3:33 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Colloidal gold

fibromyalgia is prominent among the symptoms of active chronic hep-c
infection, so that should be ruled out.  CS manages mine = no more fibro
there are other possible causes (that i don't recall) that should also
be ruled out or dealt with.

do you suppose CG might get at the root cause or only give symptomatic

i think you know about Karl's site?
i don't know if it's still there, but there used to be a pretty nice set
of pics and plans for building one.  MOT + variac + even an automatic
arc gap adjuster.

and wasn't this (now dead site) with all the pics of a CG system and
produced product you steve norton?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Norton, Steve []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 6:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Colloidal gold
> A friend has Fibtromyalgia and desperately wants to get off the pain 
> killers. Colloidal gold has been recommended to help. Does anyone have

> a design for a colloidal gold generator?
> Thanks,
>     Steve N

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