I thought this interesting enough to share ...
3 weeks ago I was out walking and saw a plant that had pretty flowers so I 
broke off a section to take to the nursery to identify.  When I arrived home 
the flower part was closed up tight.  So I put in in a jar filled with filter 
water and thought I'd add 1/2 tsp of  clarks Collodial Minerals.  
The flower fell off after a few day, but the leaves are deep green and soft...  
I replenish the water at 2 weeks an added another 1/2 tsp of minerals.   
I think it's amazing...  I do not have a green thumb and have never had 
anything live more then a few days.  
It just sits on the kitchen counter and it will until it passes away or until 
it can be planted.  I think it needs to sprout roots for that...  I really know 
very little about the lives and plants.
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