I'm a long time Armour taker and something is definitly going wrong with 
Forrest Pharmaceutical. For now, all the strengths up to 90 mg seem to be 
readily available. Higher than that and it just isn't coming through channels.

I had to ask for 60mg, double rx, so that I could get my daily 120mg dose. 
Drugstore readily did that for me. This drugstore, actually part of a 
supermarket chain, shows on their computer that the higher strengths will be in 
after 10/31.

However, the list owner of the iodine list who is in touch with health 
professionals who prescribe a lot of Armour was told that it would be Dec 
before the supply gets freed up.

I have not, however, heard any explanation of what this problem is------and 
it's worrisome!

If I could not ever get Armour again, my plan is to try 6 tabs a day of 
Standard Process' Thyrotrophin. I had read a claim, a long time ago, that 3 
tabs would deliver the equivalent of 60 mgs of Armour. I have no way of 
verifying this.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dianne France 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 1:46 PM
  Subject: CS>Armour - Sol


  The following is what I got back from my daughter about the thyroid.  Had 
hoped for more information but the web site is there.  She said Walgreens and 
Walmart both told her they were having problems getting Armour and they were 
probably discontinuing production.  If someone knows where else is carrying it 
she would like to know.

  Subject: Julie
  Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 13:25:28 -0400

  Mom, I'm on ARMOUR now, 60 mg's.
  Ultra Raw Thyyroid is what I want to start taking,  web sight is 
