Thank you for that account and your recipe, George.

Also, that's a Neti pot you're using! <grin>

I'm quoting it in full and changing the subject line so one day we'll 
be able to find this again.

Be well,

Mike D.

You ask "Can we get your recipe?"

I got this from a  email from Harold Macdonald:  Here it is..
1  Start with 2 oz of CS 
2  Add 1/4 teaspoon of MSM
3  Add 4 drops of DMSO
4  Add 1/4 teaspoon of Xylitol   The sugar substitute 
5  Add 2 drops H2O2 35 per cent food grade. (I have 8% food grade and
use 8 drops of it)

The prevention is much better than the cure!! Stay on top of the 
situation by irrigating sinuses even when you don't think you needed. 
In the bad season where you live..where high levels of pollen,ragweed, 
mold spores ect daily is a must to stay ahead.  

I carry this with me in a 4 oz squeeze bottle as household dust, rag 
weed pollen, and moldy type dust or dust from grains..Dust from inside 
a computer. Watch out when you use a canned Air to blow out things. I 
now mow grass and weed eat the lawn, where I could not do this before. 
As soon as I come in from out side after mowing the yard I irrigate my 
sinus with the nealing pot and the above solution.  

In Harolds email to me over a year ago he stated he adjusted the MSM 
and DMSO according to the situation. I did not understand that 
statement at first. What adjusting means to me is..try more or less of 
the MSM .a little at a time to see if you nostrils can stand it. H2O2 
can be pretty hot in the nostrils, so watch out.   

I know a man that uses H2O2 right out of a bottle (the kind that 
Walmart sells for cuts) when his sinus act up. I tried once a 1/2 water 
and 1/2 H2O2 and had to hold the sink as the burning was too much. 

I know this will help you if your sinuses react to the "dust" and other 
things around you.  

George Knoll.../Boonpaw (a name my grand kids gave me)

> [Original Message]
> From: Clayton Family <>
> To: <>
> Date: 10/3/2008 5:26:08 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Colloidal Silver/Sulphur Solution
> Can we get your recipe?
> On Oct 3, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Geoecom wrote:
> > I have had sinus problems seance the early 60's
> > Infections after infections, as many as 6 times in a year and
> > sometimes 2 or 3 courses as one antibiotic did not do the trick.
> >
> > Last year I started using CS with a needling (I don't think that the
> > way to spell it) pot to irradiate my sinuses. Later on some on this
> > site helped me to see that adding MSM , DMSO and H202 with the CS
> > would improve the over all effect.
> >
> > Now, over a year and 2 months I have not had to be treated for a
> > sinus infection , have not had  a running nose, inflamed sinus, ect.
> >
> > The Lord only knows how I have suffered with the pain, loss of
> > effectiveness in work .sometime in bed with feeling to bad to be up,
> > tired out and depression. as sinus problems can cause mood swings
> > just from a cold or hot fount coming through.
> >
> > I get up everyday thanking the Lord FOR answering  prayer in finding
> > Cs and the silver-list.
> >
> > There are those who can help in the details of how, why and when ..I
> > just wanted to chime in and say IT WORKS..
> >
> > George Knoll
> > ]

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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