sol wrote:
Neville wrote:
Yeah, I'm going to stay with this hypothosis. You're right, metals do show up in hair which is why I posed the question. Overload of metals can be detected in hair so I am curious as to why there has never been any researched articles available dealing with this aspect as there are with the purported skin, or nail moons, turning blue business. To me, what better way of indicating excessive amounts of metals than analasis of a strand of hair.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hair analysis shows the level of minerals in the body when the hair was growing, in other words months or weeks ago. It cannot show what is in the body NOW?
The hair will provide a time nomograph of the level of minerals or metals. So the root of the hair will give data which is pretty close to current, and you can check what the levels were by moving from the root at about 1/2 inch per month.


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