
>Hi Lorraine, I read your post to the silver list and there is help for
>psoriasis using dietary changes and supplements. 

The mention of psoriasis brought to mind Edgar Cayce's explanation
that the body needs a certain amount of WATER every day, not only to
help it ASSIMILATE nutrients, but to ELIMINATE the wastes from the
body. If my memory serves me well he said there were four ways that
the body eliminated wastes, through the urine and feces, breath and
sweat. If the body cannot eliminate the wastes through the normal
channel, it will try another one. This is the problem with psoriasis
and other skin irritations and rashes. If  you don't get enough water
to flush the wastes out as urine, it is passed out through the skin
and breath...that gives you an irritant on the skin that causes
rashes...and moose breath!
It also occurred to me that a lot of improvements people are seeing on
CS may be due to their increased intake of WATER, whether or not the
CS was helping too. Cayce recommended 8 glasses of water a day.


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