I think it's the greatest thing in the world the country elected a non-amerikan 
muslim! The people have spoken..... This should expedite the demise of the 

---- jessie70 <jessi...@optonline.net> wrote: 
> Kirsten, no one applying for the most important job in American should have
> been on the board with, launching his campaign in the home of, complimenting
> the work and writings of an American terrorist, sitting for 20 yrs in the
> church of and taking personal advice from an anti-American "reverend", doing
> real estate deals with an Iranian criminal, funding, training and legally
> representing the criminals at Acorn.  If he couldn't do his job as a
> senator- not voting over 100 times, how can he do it now, by listening to
> his wife who hated our country until he got nominated?  J
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Kirsteen Wright [mailto:kirsteen.falcons...@gmail.com]
>   Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:55 PM
>   To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>   Subject: Re: CS>Off Topic Politics
>   On 11/5/08, jessie70 <jessi...@optonline.net> wrote:
>     Steve Obama's friend, Ayers, dedicated his book to Kennedy's murderer.
> Wake up. J
>   William Ayers is a professor of education at the University of Illinois at
> Chicago, with whom Barack served on the board of an education-reform
> organization in the mid-1990's. According to the Associated Press, they are
> not close: "No evidence shows they were "pals" or even close when they
> worked on community boards years ago …"
>   Smear groups and the McCain campaign are trying to connect Obama to acts
> Ayers committed 40 years ago – when Barack was just eight years old. Here's
> what the New York Times reported on the connection:
>     But the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever
> expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers, whom he
> has called "somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was
> 8."
>   Barack has publicly denounced Ayers' radical actions from the 1960's:
>     Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen
> group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child
> when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama
> with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous.
>   Kirsteen

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