Thanks Wayne,
Hope you have a happy birthday.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wayne Fugitt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Alternative Health News Articles Conquer Your Heart Attack
Fears With Facts, No

> Morning Paula,
> At 06:36 AM 11/15/2008, you wrote:
> >This is really an informative article about heart issues. It
> >recommends a number of nutrients. For blockages it talks about
> >Hawthorn syrup by Dr. Christopher. It would be worthwhile reading
> >for anyone with heart problems.
>      I think Dr. Christopher may have been the original to use it, not
> Another doctor, that was a Heart Surgeon, and just Quit, he said that
> was not the way to
> do it.  He became a trainer and physical fitness expert,
> ( maybe Dr. Mirkin, not sure )  He did advocate Hawthorne berry syrup.
> I have a friend that grew up in KY.  He said his grand father used to
> send the younger boys into the hills and mountains to get Hawthorne
> berries for him.
> I never had any fresh Hawthorne berries, maybe they taste good.
> However I eat many kinds of wild berries, when I can find them.  Some
> tell me the ones I eat are poison.  Maybe so, maybe not.
> Here are pictures of some.......
> My daughter says they are not wild, and they are poison,   They are
> growing wild on my land,
> and I ate some anyway.    I asked her,  How long before I die ?
> Others say the wild black cherries are poison.  Many so, but I have
> been eating them for years.
> Also eat huckleberries, blackberries, and any other kind I can find.
> Relative to the Hawthorne berries, and the syrup,  I would have to
> say, many have lived to a
> ripe old age, no heart problems, and  had none of the berries and the
> Likely the magic in them exists other places as well.
> >
> >If I change this to plain text the link can't be used.
> >
> >
> >
>    I don't understand that at all.   I just sent it in html and both
> links worked.
> For the benefit of those with crippled mailers and browsers, I will
> send it in plain text.
> Wayne
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