Evening Dan,

>> At 08:42 AM 11/17/2008, you wrote:
They also have a vitamin D deficiency theory of autism.
   Yes, there is a theory for virtually everything.

Much of the info about vitamin D, may be a fact.

And everyone knows, it is not a vitamin, but a

       Very Complex Hormone !

Why else could the body make it, and the genius chemist of the body,

     Knows exactly how to do it. 
    ( only if it can get the raw materials )

Good for 1000 things, maybe 10,000 important functions within  the body.

And I have to say,  I did not even know about D, when I used to ride the tractor all day long, only wearing a pair of boxer shorts.

Later I learned, ( or thought I learned ) the browner the body,
the more sunlight it takes.

What a disappointment to learn such facts,  ( or theories )

Yes, I was so brown, I needed to move to the land

     Of the midnight sun,

so I could get enough sunlight.

What a dilemma,  No solution to some of the problems of life.


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