He has had anti biotics in the past...my sister and I are taking care of him 
right now his mama passed away this summer.  We both feed him really healthy 
stuff...no cookies, candy nothing like that. So hopefully all the stuff that I 
have done and am giving her to give to him will help big time, and when the 
teeth stop coming in. I don't know about juicing sis is working six days a week 
and he goes to me and another family member to keep him from going to daycare 
too much along with other sick kids.

Well, I've done the peroxide thing a couple of times in a couple of 
days and usually the second time showed minimal reaction. Seems you're 
seeing similar performance. It truly seems to calm down whatever is 
going on in the ear canal *and* the oxygen being liberated diffuses 
into the inner ear and does the same magic there.

Just be watchful... Stuff like that tends to recur and the treatment 
needs to, also. 

If he's had antibiotics -- ever! -- then the probiotics are probably 
called for.

Short of bowel tolerance, I don't remember hearing about any problems 
with vitamin C. 

Start his mom on juicing and fresh foods! That'll help the tyke!
