I know that most folks are saying that you can't get argyria with ionic 
silver,  but have had my faith shaken just a bit.  Some lady called Rosemary 
Jacobs e-mailed me that if I continued to use ionic silver, I would certainly 
turn blue.  Now,  while I'm sure she has an angle,  I do have a question.   I 
have had acne for a while, and recently I started washing my face morning and 
night with my ionic ( clear colored) silver. It has really seemed to clear up 
my skin very nicely.  I don't have alot of exposure to the sun ( almost 
none, right now, since I live in Alaska) , would there still be a danger of 
discoloring my face over a long period of time because I wash with cs morning 
and night? 
Thanks -  Beth Methven