It's been one week today since I started using the protocol reported by Brooks
Bradley for treating my MRSA; i.e. using 75% CS, 10% DMSO, and 15% glycerine 
topically on my affected areas (legs, feet, back, neck, and arms) and
snorting it from a nasal spray bottle. I am also drinking 8 ounces a day of
straight CS. 

Three days ago I found I no longer need my cane to walk. I no longer need
to take frequent "breaks" to put my feet up. All inflammation is now gone,
and the purplish splotches which have covered most of my affected areas for
the past few years (I looked like a burn victim) are returning to a healthy
color. My energy levels are nearly as high now as they were before I became
infected. I am sleeping well again. For the first time in six years, I feel 
pretty much like myself again! 

This infection had practically made an invalid of me. For the past 10 months, 
I was able to keep it somewhat under control using only CS topically and 
This kept me out of the hospital and off antibiotics, but I was still very 
in my strength and energy, and in how much time I could spend on my feet before
the symptoms would flare up. My symptoms included red to deep purple skin 
discoloration, swelling, itching, boils, cellulitis, fever, pain, labored 
and lethargy.

The doctors were no help, and for nearly six years I was in and out of the
hospital on IV vancomycin and other antibiotics, every two to three months.
The antibiotics would appear to "fix" the problem, but symptoms always
returned within a few weeks. When the doctors insisted on amputation of my
right leg in January 2007, I simply stopped going to see them. With no
treatment at all for roughly two weeks, the infection spread to my other leg, 
back, arms, and neck. At that time I expected to die shortly, and decided
that would be preferable to a life of misery and hospitalization. I did not
believe amputation would rid me of MRSA, and I knew the drugs couldn't either.

It was then that a friend bought me my first bottle of CS (it was MesoSilver).
At $50 a pint I could not afford to keep using it, so a few moths later I began 
brewing my own using the HVAC cone method, which I am quite sold on, given the 
results I have since obtained. It may be that the more common LVDC works as 
I cannot say. I just haven't been very inclined to try, since what I'm doing 
works so well and my condition was so serious. I'm just not willing to risk 
backwards, so I've stayed with this method.

Using the straight CS stopped the symptoms from getting out of control, but it 
did not eliminate the infection. From my body's response to this new
treatment which I read about in an email from Brooks Bradley to this list I
now feel confident that this infection will be cured altogether in a short time.

I am using my home-brewed CS, "Now" brand 100% vegetable glycerine, and
unbranded 99% pure DMSO intended for veterinary use and distributed by FWI of
Tulsa, OK. I bought the glycerine and the DMSO from 

Thank you Brooks Bradley and thanks to Mike Devour and everyone on the silver 
You have given me my life back. :) 

I hope that this will be of help to others suffering as I did, and if anyone
knows a good place to repost this message where it might help others, they have 
unconditional permission to do so.

Thanks again,

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