This was posted here a few days ago-

It is important to read Humble's books for important info on this strong stuff. Not to be taken lightly, it is not a supplement.


On Dec 27, 2008, at 4:59 PM, Betty Shelly wrote:

I realize this subject has been discussed previously, but didn't think it applied to me at the time, so didn't save those posts.  My daughter has MS and recently saw a Naturopath who prescribed CLO2 which is 7% sodium chlorite.  She is to start out with 3 drops in 12 oz of purified water 3x's a day for 21 days;  stop for 10 days then resume at 6 drops in 12 oz of purified water 3x's a day for another 21 days, stop for 10 days, then repeat the 6 drops procedure.  She has tried the Nancy Delise protocol for MS using cs, but without results a few years ago.  She has changed her diet and seems to be improving.  The Naturopath says she has parasites and/or some toxic chemicals in her blood (based on an electronic microscope examination of her blood).  Any information the list can give on sodium chlorite as to its benefits or could she have any harmful reactions from it? 
Thank you, Betty

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