Hi Steve Norton,

I agree with what you wrote about NCCAM. 

The original intent was to research Alternative Medicine. From its inception, 
however, the agency has down nothing but slam anything that isn't orthodox. Of 
course there favorite reference sources are: Agency for Healthcare Research and 
Quality (a government agency), National Cancer Institute (Tool of the Drug 
companies), etc.

Basically, the NCCAM purpose is to belittle, negate, or ignore the benefits; to 
scare away the websurfer from using what ever isn't orthodox medicine. There 
are a few favorable references to Acupuncture, but not much more.


"Colloidal silver may interfere with the body's absorption of the
following drugs: penacillamine, quinolones, tetracyclines, and


The words "may" is the keyword.  

Of course NCCAM ignores a Brigham-Young Clinical Study. -- This study, 
published in the journal Current Science in 2006, found that a 19 antibiotic 
drugs which had previously been able to kill MDR (multiple drug-resistant) 
pathogens such as MRSA could be restored to full efficacy against the deadly 
pathogens, but only if a liquid silver solution similar to colloidal silver (a 
stabilized form of  CS called Silver Water Suspension) was used in conjunction 
with these drugs. 

The original study noted:

Nineteen antibiotics were checked in combination with Silver–Water
Dispersion™ solution against seven microbial organisms
for synergism.

Those combinations of individual antibiotics with Silver–
Water Dispersion™ that displayed synergism were
further evaluated through the checkerboard method.
Synergistic activity of Silver–Water Dispersion™ solution
in combination with nineteen antibiotics was tested
against seven bacterial strains, except where an organism
was known to be resistant to the antibiotic. Out of
96 tests, five were synergistic, 89 additive, and two antagonistic

To validate the results of Amoxicillin antagonism,30 mcg dilution of 
Amoxicillin was prepared in Silver–
Water Dispersion™ (32 ppm) solution. 100 ml of this combination was added to a 
single well, and kept for diffusion
followed by incubation. 
No antagonistic effectswere noted under these conditions as the zone of 
observed was 19 mm, comparable to 20 mm with a Silver–Water Dispersion™ and 21 
mm with Amoxicillin.

Whereas well B having a combination of Penicillin-G and Silver–Water Dispersion
™ demonstrates the powerful clearing ability of Silver–Water Dispersion
The study noted that  Ciprofloxacin when added to the Silver showed 
effectiveness that was additive against a variety of pathogens.  Ciprofloxacin 
is a quinolone.
Tetracycline was made even more effective with Silver 

And a more recent Iranian Clinical Study – This study also found that silver 
increases the effectiveness of antibiotic drugs against staph infections.  The 
researchers concluded: 

“The antibacterial activities of penicillin G, amoxicillin, erythromycin, 
clindamycin, and vancomycin were increased in the presence of silver 
nano-particles (Ag-NPs) against both test strains. The highest enhancing 
effects were observed for vancomycin, amoxicillin, and penicillin G against S. 
From the synthesis of metallic nanoparticles of silver using a reduction of 
aqueous Ag+ ion ).


Searching Silver on the NCCAM site references Silver build-up in the body of 
animals. However they neglect to mention these studies were based on Silver 
Nitrate was given to lab rats, dogs, monkeys.  The amounts given were 89 
"milligrams" per Kilogram of body weight.

As to Penicillamine: a pharmaceutical of the chelator class. It is sold under 
the trade names of Cuprimine and Depen. The pharmaceutical form is 
D-penicillamine, as L-penicillamine is toxic (it inhibits the action of 
pyridoxine). It is a metabolite of penicillin, although it has no antibiotic 

Penicillamine is used as a chelating agent for rare diseases.
In Wilson's disease, a rare genetic disorder of copper metabolism, 
penicillamine treatment relies on its binding to accumulated copper and 
elimination through urine. 
In cystinuria, a hereditary disorder featuring formation of cystine stones, 
penicillamine binds with cysteine to to yield a mixed disulfide which is more 
soluble than cystine. 
These are both hereditary disorders and uncommon to rare, (cystinuria is found 
in 562 out of one million infants screened). 
Penicillamine has been used to treat mercury poisoning. (So has Silver 
The only reference I can find about Silver and Thryoxine and drug interactions 
all come from the same source and are repeated verbatim on umpteen websites.  
The source? 
The NCCAM website.
Steve Foss

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