There is no enamel under the gum line and micro-tubules in the exposed dentin are a fast track transmitter to the tooth nerve.
 As bad as Fluoride is, it does tend to seal up those tubules.
If one tooth is super sensitive from infection/inflammation...all of them tend to be more sensitive. If an infection gets into the jaw, you can wind up with a 32 tooth KILLER tooth ache that makes the barrel of a 12 gauge look friendly...and it always happens on a Friday after the dentist has gone home.

A water-pik with CS in it does a "pretty good" job of keeping pockets cleaned out, but deep pockets seem to pretty much be eventual doom for a tooth. It's just going to be a constant battle with periodic flareups of inflammation...and the dentist picking out chunks of stuff the water-pic didn't get now and then.
It's not likely that a root canal will fix a gum problem either.

Micro-electricity has been known to heal some chronic things for decades..often used to knit badly broken bones back together.
*****  might********* help get gums to re-adhere to a tooth???????
Assuming a deep pocket 'can be' kept clean enough to not heal over foreign objects and form a cyst.


At 04:23 PM 2/22/2009 -0500, you wrote:

I just tried rinsing with room salt water w/ 2 drops of tea tree oil which sent me into extreme gum pain from exterme sensitivity. Hot soup does the same thing. I then dipped a cotton ball and placed it around the tooth and had to take it out because the sensitivity was so bad. I rinsed with leukwarm salt water but still haven't recovered. What causes the sensitivity in the gum to to be so bad? I don't see exposed nerve but then again don't know what I'm looking for. I don't have bleeding gums but do have pockets after removing enamel from electric toothbrush which I used peroxide and baking soda to clean which eroded the gums. I will try oregano oil too,you don't dilute? Should I brush with it mixed with oive oil or it damaging to gum tissue?

-----Original Message-----
From: Day Sutton <>
Sent: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 4:05 pm
Subject: Re: CS>HELP! How can I save an infected painful tooth?

I have saved three of my teety over the years, and a friend used the same method to cure a toothache that would have cut her vacation short.  Get a small bottle of Oil of Orageno. Put 2 to three drops of the oil on a small piece of cotton. Do not dilute it. Do know it will be hot. place it between the cheek and the infected tooth overnight. In every case it has been cured overnight. One time I had to put the20 cotton in again after breakfast for a couple of hours. Still it was fixed in less than 24 hours.....Notice I said this is what I did, Not a doc so can only say what I did, and not directing you what to do..

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Faith Saint Francis <> wrote:

Sure it is possible!
I did -without pride- save a very painful molar with a huge ball of inflammation underneath, against the will of the know-it-all dentist.
So, if you are interested in 'my method', please write to
Take Care,
licensed, experienced and committed therapist of Rflexology

Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 10:58:27 -0500

Subject: CS>HELP! How can I save an infected painful tooth?

I am suffering from constant severe tooth pain in a compromised upper
right molar. A temporary was put in a couple years ago due to nerve
pain when filling. i was frugal in flossing between the molar because

food would get stuck near the gum after the filling. I was told 3
months ago that I have deep gum pockets in all my teeth and enamel
erosion which was due to being too frugal with the electric brush and

using 3% peroxide and straight baking soda on my brush 3x/d. Now I
severe pain in my molar above the filling at the gum line.=2
0Cold and hot
are more painful. Swishing silver is excruciating. I have referred

to the entire gums of the right top and bottom. Saltwater helps
slightly. The dentist says automatic root canal- I know that's not an
option but I don't want to loose my tooth. I am told the involvement

in the pulp and nerve with possibly dentin exposure. I have ordered
Shultze rinse,CoQ10,and tooth soap to save my gums and taking silver
try to keep from spreading. I battle chronic lyme and mycoplasma

my scalp causing circulatory and muscle issues down my body. My
fibrosed throbbing crunchy scalp burns and contacts muscles down my
back to my ankles. The head throbbing.and tendon spasms along with

severe varicose veins causing leg spasms keep me from sleeping for
years and now this. I juice and eat organic which helps to keep
Please let me know if there's anything I can do to save my

tooth,expense and misery. No dentists here have options -its root
or removal and bridge which carry other issues. Has anyone healed a
compromised tooth before and avoided extractions and root canal?

send any info and successes. Is there any successful way to heal an
infected compromised tooth pulp and nerve? I greatly appreciate your
time and thoughts. Georgia

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