Here is a patent that claims that combining EIS with  Peppermint oil provides 
a timed release of silver ions (my words) thereby  improving the 
effectiveness of EIS when used for gastrointestinal infections.  Anyone 
familiar with this 
or have an opinion? 
- Steve N  
"In accordance  with preferred embodiments of the present invention, the pure 
ionic silver  colloid is combined with peppermint oil. Laboratory testing has 
demonstrated  that the addition of the peppermint oil to the pure ionic 
silver colloid  produces a synergistic effect. Further, the peppermint oil 
a more  palatable smell and taste.

The synergistic effect results from the fact  that the oil does not bind 
with, nor render inactive, the colloid, but rather  reduces the rate of 
inactivation in vivo and enhances the anti-microbial  activity by a few orders 
magnitude. As shown below, this has been  demonstrated in laboratory testing in 
bacteria friendly  environment."
Looks like EIS with peppermint might help with  your ulcer. Steve N posted 
the above last January. I tried it with my weak home  made EIS about 5 PPM. I 
have Barrets Esophagus and it seemed to help reduce my  heartburn times. I also 
started the Fast-5 diet which also helps reduce  heartburns. 22 weeks on the 
diet I have lost 20 pounds, just about one pound per  week like the DR claims. 
I added a whey protein drink outside the 5 hour window  which might slow the 
weight loss. Duncan Crow told me to drink the whey protein  which I have 
finally been doing after all these years of not doing what he  said. 
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