Afternoon Wayne,

Of course voltage, current, and resistance are all proportional to one
another.  In a simple circuit, if you change one, you change the
other/s in proportion according to Ohm's Law.

Voltage, or Current, or Resistance can be held constant and one or two
of the other variables then change.

The question here is whether voltage has any relationship to producing
silver ions.  It does not.  It is the current level which affects the
production of silver.  You have to have enough voltage to enable
electrolysis, but you can see from the example I previously posted
that it is only current which affects how much silver is liberated.

So what's the problem?  Amount of released silver, ion production, is
related to current.
Voltage is only relevant in that it has to be high enough to support
the particular current.

(Too little voltage?  Move the electrodes closer together...  Voltage
does not change, but current will increase along with an increase of
released silver ions.)


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Wayne Fugitt <> wrote:
> Evening Dan,
> At 12:54 PM 4/15/2009, you wrote:
> Isn't there a commandment about dropping my name in vain?...
>   Yes, ........ I understand.
>   You name is never in vain .
>   No Voltage,  No current.
>   To say, one is related, the other is not, ..........
>    How can that be ?
>   Current cannot exist without Voltage,   Can it ?
>  I believe that the voltage on the electrodes,
>  must indeed change, to keep the current the same.
> The resistance, ( conductance ) of the solution certainly changes.
> Current cannot be constant, without a change of Voltage,
> If so, ........ please explain.
> That is Redneck Logic,
> I would be interested in  "Yankee Logic".
> Wayne
>      - An Old Chinese Proverb
> 1. He who knows and knows not that he knows. 2. He who knows not and knows
> not that he knows not. 3. He who knows not and knows that he knows not. 4.
> He who knows and knows that he knows. Author unknown           He is a
> king... follow him.              He is a child... teach him.           He is
> a fool... shun him           He is asleep... wake
> him.==========================================
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