I recently read about LDN when searching for information on MS.
It is inexpensive and is compatible with any other medicine
(except narcotics) and that it has no toxicity and no significant side effects. It is also safely used during pregnancy and has even been
used to prevent miscarriage.

It is thought that LDN is improving immune function
making it therapeutic in a wide variety of diseases and

The Yahoo list homepage has some amazing photos of a Chron's
disease patient after only 4 weeks.

Please feel free to forward this post as this is some of the best
news for immune disorders I have read in a long time.






"How does LDN work?

LDN boosts the immune system, activating the body's own
natural defenses.

Up to the present time, the question of "What controls the
immune system?" has not been present in the curricula of
medical colleges and the issue has not formed a part of the
received wisdom of practicing physicians. Nonetheless, a
body of research over the past two decades has pointed
repeatedly to one's own endorphin secretions (our internal
opioids) as playing the central role in the beneficial
orchestration of the immune system, and recognition of the
facts is growing.

. . . The brief blockade of opioid receptors between 2 a.m.
and 4 a.m. that is caused by taking LDN at bedtime each
night is believed to produce a prolonged up-regulation of
vital elements of the immune system by causing an increase
in endorphin and enkephalin production.

. . . In general, in people with diseases that are partially
or largely triggered by a deficiency of endorphins
(including cancer and autoimmune diseases), or are
accelerated by a deficiency of endorphins (such as
HIV/AIDS), restoration of the body's normal production of
endorphins is the major therapeutic action of LDN."

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