Hello Dale,
I read about your mothers mini strokes.  I have learned that bromelain, an
enzyme will not only prevent clots but will dissolve already existing ones.
I buy only one brand because I know the doctors reputation who made the
formula.  I am totally into herbs for short term use and I found an herbal
preparation,  I'll look for the bottle for the name of it but it pulled my
sister out of pneumonia in  three days, she was hit very fast and hard with
it. It took her about a week to get her strenght back.  She was one happy
since she was packing for the hospital.
-Original Message-----
From: Spiroflex <spiro...@tampabay.rr.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Friday, August 13, 1999 5:56 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Strokes, catarracts -- Pycnogenol

>August 13, 1999
>Browse the Web for "Pycnogenol." Made from the bark of the maritime pine
>tree -- comes from France. Called an antioxidant and proanthocyanidan.
>Available everywhere. Aficionados suggest 1 mg. per lb. of body weight to
>begin for ten days and then cut back 1/3 to 1/2 thereafter. After reading
>on it you may decide that it is something that should be added to your
>mother's diet.
>Double blind study seemed to prove it strengthened the walls of veins and
>capillaries in some people within 3 months and some more people after 4
>months. A protruding vein in the calf of my leg -- that I had for 20
>years -- disappeared by the time I was on Pycnogenol six months.
>sooner, for me, was the improvement in my breathing -- apparently improved
>oxygenation in my blood. I stopped being winded so easily. It is said to
>make the blood cells less apt to stick together -- hence might help avoid
>heart attacks and strokes. Improved blood circulation may be why some
>report improvement in visual acuity and lessening of cataract development
>after being on Pycnogenol for a good while.
>Anecdotal evidence seems to me to be abundant of some people getting off
>inhalers and oxygen bottles, after a relatively short time on Pycnogenol. I
>guess this is a boon to some smokers and to some "asthmatics." And men and
>women often seem to say they like what it does for the appearance of their
>skin.  In my experience it is best combined with vitamin C and E for
>But I suggest that you should not combine Pycnogenol with aspirin to "thin
>the blood" or use with any other blood thinners. That seems to me be too
>much "blood thinning" at once, and may have been the cause of bleeding in
>some friends of mine. Always consult a health professional, and on this
>subject especially.
>I take Pycnogenol daily. Some say that Pycnogenol is a healthier "blood
>thinner" to use than aspirin. I have used both for this purpose and I found
>aspirin worked faster for this purpose for me. And some alcohol (wine) with
>two aspirin tablets was especially fast working to "thin" my blood (30
>minutes). But I don't use any two of these at the same time, ordinarily.
>Just for an emergency when my blood inexplicably seemed to get extremely
>sludgy. "Too much of a good thing can be bad." -- Spiroflex
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Dale Gillilan <positivechanges.hypno...@gte.net>
>To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
>Sent: Thursday, August 12, 1999 10:49 PM
>Subject: CS>Strokes, catarracts
>> I just got a call from my elderly mother.  She is going in for
>> CAT-scans, MRI, etc. tomorrow to see what damage has been done by
>> (apparently) many small strokes and what her risk is now.  She was also
>> diagnosed with catarracts today.  She called wanting to know if I knew
>> any treatments that she might not be getting from allopathic medicine.
>> So, does anyone know if CS, magnets, or ??? will help either of these
>> conditions.  And, is there any info re. protocols.  She will want to
>> discuss whatever I present to her with her MD.
>> BTW, one MD said the catarracts were due to the mini-strokes.  Another
>> said they were due to the cortisone/steroid inhalers she used last
>> winter.  She has emphyzema and had a serious case of pneumonia.
>> Thanks,
>> Dale
>> --
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