Can anyone explain the dif between colloidal silver and a silver compound??
Thanks in advance,
-----Original Message-----
From: Vilik Rapheles <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Citric Acid, Kreb`s cycle, Lemons

> Bob,
>  An most appreciative of this info. I have no scientific background and
>find it hard to understand, but am trying. I have included my
>comments/questions below. Anyone who wants to jump in please do.
> Lets look at the Kreb`s cycle. If you wish you can go back to the
>>postings on *cell respiration* since the Kreb cycle is a part of it.
>Can't find but am very interested...would be grateful if you would send to
> We start with:
>>     Citric acid  to
>>     Cis-aconitic acid  to
>>     Isocitric acid  to
>>     Oxalosuccinic acid  to
>>     Alpha-ketoglutaric acid  to
>>     Succinic acid  to
>>     Fumaric acid  to
>>     Malic acid  to
>>     Oxaloacetic acid  to
>>     Pyruvic acid  to
>>     Citric acid   our starting point.
>Interesting how many of these are available as supplements. Malic acid of
>course is used for CFS. Is that I wonder because of a breakdown in the
>Krebs cycle?
>Recall that pyruvic acid was produced from the process of *glycolysis*
>>that was discussed in cell respiration. In respiration, pyruvic acid is
>oxidized by the addition of water and
>>the removal of hydrogen in a complex series of reactions known
>>collectively as the Kreb`s cycle. The complex series was listed above.
>>At each step of the way hydrogen atoms are split off to produce energy
>>in the form of ATP and oxygen, as each turn of the cycle goes around CO2
>>and water are released and more pyruvic acid starts the cycle again.
>So is this how microhydrin works, adding hydrogen?>
>Drinking citric acid adds more energy into the system.
>>  The step by step oxidation of glucose (Kreb`s cycle) into H2O and CO2
>>has another inportant fuction.
>According to the oxygen therapists, in cancer (and perhaps other illnesses)
>the cell is damanged and can not longer respire and oxidize glucose, but
>rather gets energy
>from fermentation, which is inferior. It sounds like the oxidation process
>of the cell is critical to health.
>The intermediate compounds formed help
>>with the metabolism of other foods. It makes possible the use of
>>(metabolism of) fats, proteins and carbohydrates (sounds like the three
>>basic foods) by the body. If there is any interest in a more detailed
>>posting on the citric cycle (Kreb`s cycle) let me know. This is really
>>basic knowledge of how our bodies work on a second to second basis. Of
>>course we also know that taking CS helps this process to run more
>>smoothly, as with any other *trace element*. Trace elements are used by
>>enzymes to promote their functions.
>So it sounds a healthy body the Krebs cycle works....but perhaps
>in an unhealthy body there is a break in the chain...and acid does not get
>cycled as it should. Which means energy is not produced. Which could also
>mean there is acid in the body which should not be there. So could this be
>why an ill body is more acidic? If so, then simply alkalising would not
>truly help the problem.
>So the key may be whether the cell is healthy enough to perform its
>function...or whether there is a breakdown in the Krebs cycle at any
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