
I apologised twice.


On May 2, 2009, at 1:41 PM, Paula Perry wrote:

I appreciate your advice Indi and I am sure are right. Last week when all the big discussion was going on I had too many classes to deal with, and I deleted most all of them without reading them. So I really wasn't tuned in to all that was being discussed. I only scanned a couple messages. So I am sorry to one and all for posting a controversial article. It was really not
my intention. I thought it contained some worthwhile information, but I
understand now that a lot of issues are too sensitive to openly discuss, so
I will carefully monitor all of my postings in the future.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Indi" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Swine Flu Epidemic & Avianized Flu Pandemic

Hi Paula,

Surely you can see though that it was a very controversial article you
referenced, which made some pretty large claims. The accusations against the UN and WHO certainly coud be construed as political. I don't blame you for your opinions, lots of people subscribe to these ideas, but they do
remain a "hot topic".  I would love to talk about my thoughts on the
and share some links too, but that would probably get me in some deep
And perhaps more to the point, it wouldn't help anyone learn about how to
heal themselves and their loved ones, right? Whether this swine flu
a real pandemic or a tempest in a teapot, there are always so many health
threats many of us have to contend with...

And Kathryn did apologize and cite burnout from the recent political
so perhaps you should cut her a break? I agree she was a bit abrupt, but
knows what kind of day she's having?


On Sat, May 02, 2009 at 01:08:41PM -0400, Paula Perry wrote:
First of all, I did not think that Swine Flu was a political topic. I
back and read the article again and I still don't see that it was
in nature. Second of all, you were offensive and I was offended. You say
are sorry and then continue with the same offensive attitude that you
judge and jury for everyone.. What you state as fact is basically your
opinion and you are entitled to that. However, the next time you feel
snapping perhaps you should follow your own advice and sleep on it
you hit the send button. I said that I wasn't posting any more on Swine
but I appreciate other posts on the subject. I want to know all I can
make up my own mind, and I think most other people do as well.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Clayton Family" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Swine Flu Epidemic & Avianized Flu Pandemic

Ok then, Paula and others,

I apologise if I offended you.

Mike has said over and over again umpty ump times that this is off
topic, and in addition to it only being off topic, it is political,
political posts rae guaranteed to be offensive.

I was offended.

I have kept quiet for the last week, not saying anything to ALL the
offensive posts, but this morning, I just snapped.

I snapped at you, sorry.  But please don't say you have not been
about this type of post. The last warning was yesterday, May 1, 2:30
pm. Just hours before you posted, not even a day. Maybe you did not
read Mike's post?

Fearmongering has never done a thing for me- it muddies the waters of
legitimate discussion, and brings the list discussion down several
notches. It makes the legitimate silver and other discussions less
believable to newcomers, if the messages are thrown in the same pool
this nonsense. There is nothing I have found that legitimizes this
of thinking. It only serves to make people afraid of everything, and
fear paralyzes- a paralyzed population will be less likely to think
themselves. So the fearmongering only makes things worse for society
a whole. It is NOT a social good. I ask you to think about what I have said, sleep on it, and think about it again tomorrow. Or not, as you

Best Wishes,


On May 2, 2009, at 9:10 AM, Paula Perry wrote:

Sorry for posting the article, however,  Cayton Family you do not
to be

----- Original Message -----
From: "Indi" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2009 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Swine Flu Epidemic & Avianized Flu Pandemic

Yeah it is a bit much, that's for sure...


On Sat, May 02, 2009 at 08:18:34AM -0500, Clayton Family wrote:
This is just so much crap!

I wish you would post this to the off topic list, and quit
this one with this kind of fearmongering nonsense.

On May 2, 2009, at 6:20 AM, Paula Perry wrote:

According to this article the flu is likely to mutate into more
more deadlier strains. Talks about coming martial law in the
ahead. Says this is all part of the endgame of culling population

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