In case someone wants a link to this article I have found it in the link


-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 10:23 AM
Subject: CS>Flu Vaccine puts kids at risk

*1. Flu Vaccine Puts Kids at Risk*

Flu vaccine does not help children stricken with influenza stay out of 
the hospital, but instead, increases their risk of being hospitalized, 
compared with those who have not had shots, according to a new study.

In fact, the risk triples, according to the study at the Mayo Clinic in 
Rochester, Minn.

The new study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the flu vaccine 
(trivalent inactivated flu vaccine, or TIV) in children, especially 
asthmatic children, study leader Avni Joshi, M.D., told Science Daily.

The relative benefit of the vaccine is of paramount importance in light 
of the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
and the American Academy of Pediatrics to vaccinate all children between 
6 months and 18 years every year, a recommendation that the National 
Asthma Education and Prevention Program endorses.

The Mayo Clinic study spanned eight consecutive flu seasons and involved 
263 children ages 6 months to 18 years. All of the children had 
laboratory-confirmed influenza between 1996 and 2006. Researchers 
verified which children had or had not received the vaccine, which were 
asthmatics, and which had to be hospitalized with flu-related illnesses.

The study showed that children who had been vaccinated had three times 
the risk of hospitalization of children who had not been vaccinated. 
Asthmatic children who received the vaccine had a "significantly" higher 
risk of being hospitalized than asthmatic children who had not received 
it. No other factors, such as the severity of asthma, appeared to have 
an effect on the risk of being hospitalized.

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