Well I'm just thnking of all th crap that is in the air. We live near
Ludwigshafen, where BASF is situated off the Rhein River. Then we have a
small time factory making hydraulic hoses, so that's their crap can be
smelled, oh, and another factory where dead animal carcasses are
processed... and the chemtrail fallout...
so I'm wondering which water would have less contaminants. WHICH is the
reason for wanting to get the water tested, but you see what kind of prices
I get to deal with.
Maybe if I built some sort of "filter" thing-a-gigy over the rainbarrel to
pre-filter, then through the Britta filter, and then distilling it.
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!!
On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Ode Coyote <odecoy...@windstream.net>wrote:

>  The quality of rain water depends on where you live and how long it has
> rained.
> Rain water IS distilled water, but the air container it's in can be quite
> dirty.
>  Rain does tend to rinse it though.
> Ode