Got an address for them Cindy?
Claims are easy to make...I wonder if they can back them up!
Kills in six minutes is a claim made by people who have tested CS
alone, nothing new there.

Thanks - Ivan

----- Original Message -----
From: Cindy Powell <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, 17 August 1999 08:55
Subject: Re: CS>abcess -Herx effect?

> Re silver and citric acid,  Ivan, or anyone,
> The interest I have in this combination is due to a company
that I am
> reading up on that claims to have invented a superior silver
product that
> kills in less than 6 minutes and is non-toxic.  The inventor
claims to have
> developed biologically available silver that is synergized by
combining a
> citric acid.  I have just never heard of anything like that
before, and was
> wondering if such a combination is possible, and what the
resultant effect
> might be with such a combination.
> Thanks much, and I am loving this list!

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