Is Lugol's the best Iodine to purchase? And what difference does the percentage of Iodine really make? I've found 7% solutions and 2 % solutions. Is there any difference, other than the dosage changing according to the concentration of the solution?

I've never bought Lugol's before so I'm kind of nervous about it. There are warnings all over the place about the FDA and their fingers in the sale of Iodine. Strange that they want to regulate Iodine, when everyone meeds it, and the type of Iodine in table salt has changed.

I wonder if that has anything to do with the explosion of obesity here in the states? The fast food doesn't help, nor all the processed foods loaded with simple sugars either. And of course the ever growing use of fluoride in the water supply is poisonous to the thyroid. *Shakes head*

Can anyone tell me a safe dosage? Anyone have experience with Lugol's. And does the skin painting really tell you if you're deficient?


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