The lyme bacteria, Bb, forms colonies & when the conditions for its death occur, the outer layers die but send a signal to the next interior layer of the colony to go into a defense posture know as cyst form. When the conditions change to more favorable for the bacteria, they spread again & try to colonize other parts of the host body. If you have had this for 20 years, thats probably why your IgM is high. It tried spreading & your body percieved it as a new or second invasion. I dont intend to sound like an expert but that's my conjecture.

The other best ideas I have learned are: dont take penicillin, any of the ...cillins, or any antibiotics that work by breaking open the bacteria cell wall. The Bb goes into its most virulent form, the open wall or L form. Eat well, eliminate or at least lower your sugar intake, Bb, like cancer doesn't produce its own energy in the manner of your body's cells, it needs sugars, take CS regular for at least 10 months. This is probably the strangest advice, do whatever bothers you. If your tired, excercize, if your joints ache, stretch, if your head hurts, try mind training games.

Good luck & God Bless.

From: "lampley lane" <>
Date: June 13, 2009 10:59:28 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Fw: CS>Lyme titer positive for lgM ...Marshall pls read :)

Thanks Joseph for all the info. I've been sick for over twenty yrs so was trying to figure all this out. Weeeeee! Isn't this fun? ha. Thanks and guess I'll go drink my silver now. Blessings, Little Bird

From: Joseph Metz
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 6:01 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: CS>Lyme titer positive for lgM ...Marshall pls read :)

Lampley, your assessment of IgG vs IgM is correct. But I agree with Marshall, if you are going with a mainstream md the testing may be misleading. The testing...