> The issue of the safety of drinking distilled water came up once and I
> really don't have a position on the subject except that I know it is
> not harmful. I ran across the  following that says that drinking
> distilled water is good for you. 
>  - Steve N
> Is Distilled Water Healthy?
> by Suzanne M. Skinner, Ph.D.
> Dear Dr. Skinner:
> Our church group has been having beated argurments over what type of
> water is safe to drink. I have been drinking distilled water for over
> two years, and I am now getting scared I may be doing myself great
> harm. Some say distilled water is the only health water. Others say
> distilled water is not only devoid of the minerals our bodies need,
> but that it leaches out the minerals that are already in our body. Who
> is right? What shall I do?
> You are correct. Distilled water is the purest we can drink as it
> contains only hydrogen and oxygen. Of course, we must include fresh
> raw fruit and vegetable juices everyday, as they are loaded with
> organic mineral elements the only kind our body can use.
> "Natural water" contains inorganic inactive minerals that are
> incompatible with our body and cause great harm over time. Natural
> water is lifeless, gross and incompatible with our cells, and does not
> contain enzymes ( the essence of life).
> A lifetime accumulation of inorganic calcium (found in natural water)
> clogs our veins and arteries, which can result in coronary thrombosis,
> arterial occlusion (obstruction of the blood vessels), aterosclerosis.
> Many times this results in a fatal heart attack.
> Natural water comes from springs, wells, lakes, rivers and faucets.
> Its inorganic mineral elements have been collected by contact with
> rocks, earth and soil.
> This unhealthy water goes from the esophagus to the stomach, to the
> small intestine, and then is either transported to the liver for
> distribution into the system, or if unable to disintegrated (because
> of inorganic minerals), is passed into the colon. (Liquids pass
> through blood vessels in the small intestine's walls). Whatever is in
> colloidal form (a stateof very fine suspended particles), goes along
> with the liquid into the liver. Now the liver begins to clog with
> minute inorganic minerals such as calcium (limestone) and magnesium
> Our bodies are composed of the same minerals, but they are in an
> organic form, not an inorgamc form. The minerals that our bodies need
> for replenishment, regeneration and survival, must come to us through
> raw vegetables and fruit, fresh juices, nuts and seeds. We can only
> use, assimilate, digest and absorb minerals in their organic form.
> With fresh, raw vegetables and fruit juices, the
> plant's roots go deep into the soil and pick up the inorganic minerals
> and change them to usable organic minerals for us.
> With natural water, however, our cells are called upon to reject the
> debris cells from it's inherent inorganic minerals. The kidneys and
> orher secreting organs attempt to throw off all this accumulated
> debris, however, a large part stays in our bodies, contributing to
> rigidity, ossification, so-called "old age" stiffness and early death.
> Distilled water leaches out the unusable inorganic limestone, rock
> residue, etc. It acts like a magnet, to pick up discarded cells,
> rejected minerals and debris. With the help of the blood and lymph
> system this waste is then carried to the kidneys for elimination from
> our body. The only water the blood and Iymph can actually use is pure
> distilled water, or fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
> There is a belief that distilled water leaches out minerals from the
> body. This is not true. It only collects and removes inorganic
> minerals that have already been refused and rejected by the cells.
> More than twenty years ago, Norman Walker, D.Sc., suggested an
> experiment everyone can do at home. Before you start, do a urine
> inspection to see how clear it is. Then use only distilled water for
> three weeks (make sure you cook with distilled water also). At the end
> of this time period, you will be astonished with the amount of
> sediment and debris found in your urine.*
> Filtering tap water is useless-- it only removes what is floating or
> mixed with the water-the smaller matter remains in solution. And of
> course, I need not mention the abundance of poisonous, cancer-causing
> material added to the water to"protect" us from harmful bacteria and
> germs. Pesticides and metals in the water compound the problem.
> I will now not drink from a $5,000 water system I had installed years
> ago, before I knew better.
> Spring water looks clear and transparent, however, it is loaded with
> sold inorganic minerals- not to mention parasitic. Bottled mountain
> spring water is loaded with chemicals to make it taste good and look
> clear. Bottled drinking. water is water from a tap sold to unknowing,
> unsuspecting people.
> * Note:
> No liquid or water can "leach" organic minerals out, once they have
> become intergrated in the body; only inorganic minerals rejected by
> the cells and tissues, which if not evacuated, can cause arterial
> obstructions and more serius damage over long periods of time, will be
> removed. these inorganic minerals must be removed, and distilled
> waterwill do the job for you.