This is what I have to do Sol, and it annoys me when things don't work
properly!  I'm a bit anal about that I have to say!  I can't understand it
when I have used Opera to open other PDF things and it won't do it in
Capital One.  As you say, I had Firefox too, but got rid of it when it
wouldn't download Adobe FlashPlayer, as I need that with various things. 
Everyone trashes Explorer, but I must say, that when other browsers don't
open things, IE always does.  Its just the amount of attacks it gets that
puts me off using it all the time.  Dee. PS I don't know where Indi is as
she hasn't replied.

-------Original Message-------
From: sol
Date: 21/06/2009 03:15:02
Subject: Re: CS>Indi - OT
I am interested in the answer to this also. I've used Opera for a couple
years now, and do have trouble with a few websites with it.
Prior to Opera, I used Firefox and had some trouble with certain pages
with it too. Switched to Opera because it worked with my library sites
which Firefox did not, and still will not.  Irritatingly, the library
system recently "upgraded" their software and now their sites/functions
do not work in Opera. For those pages I use Explorer.
