Thanks for all the info Kenda. I pray you get well! I am experiencing alot of 
weakness. Shaking when exerting at all. But I am stronger than I was months 
ago. I can excersize a little, and have toned up a little. I have a good day, 
and then several bad ones. Maybe it's the dark before the dawn. I never give up 
tho. Blessings, LB

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenda Skaggs
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS>cs & hiv Richard

I was diagnosed a year ago and spent several months on the rotating
antibiotic protocol.  Each time I tried to get off of antibiotics, I
relapsed quickly.   I started taking CS about two months ago, as well as
using a DP100 rife machine.  Between the two I have remained drug free and
feeling pretty good.  I have herxed when I overdo it, which I tend to do,
trying to get well faster.  I have to keep reminding myself that it is not a

It has been recommended to me that I get up to a quart of CS in for optimal
results.  Gulp!  

Glad CS seems to be helping you too!


> Ok thanks Kenda. Wow a pint? Well I haven't been taking that much, but am
> wanting to take more as I can. I have been going by how I can handle the
> effects. It works. Oh, how long have you been treating yourself? About a month
> and a half here I think. Blessings, and I hope it is working for you. Little
> Bird 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kenda Skaggs
> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 3:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>cs & hiv Richard
> I, too, am treating for Lyme Disease with CS.  I want to caution you against
> killing too quickly.  I have put myself in bed a few times getting too
> aggressive with treatments.  Slow and steady is best for Lyme Disease.
> I am taking about a pint of CS per day.
> Kenda
>> Have you treated anyone for Lyme Disease, or have any info? How much CS, at
>> what ppm a person with Lyme should take? I  can only tolerate about 8
>> tablespoons a day of 10ppm due to herxeimer effect. But I want to kill this
>> insidious spiroquete fast!  Thanks
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 3:03 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: CS>cs & hiv
>> I have been treating people with HIV for several years in Europe  and
>> have had amazing results  , bringing viral loads down to zero ( un-
>> detectable ) , more energy, periods back to normal, appetite back to
>> normal etc . Get a generator as you will need substantial amounts
>> initially ( 16 oz per day minimum )  and watch it kick in - good luck
>> Richard
>> On 22/06/2009, at 20:47, Tech Guy wrote:
>>> Hello All
>>> I am new in this forum .
>>> Does cs cure or control hiv  And  what are the effects when someone
>>> is already on the hiv treatment with the combination drugs.
>>> How much and how long should one continue to take the cs and the
>>> doses one needs .
>>> I hope i am not off topic
>>> thank you
>> --
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