Tech Guy wrote:
Hello All

I am new in this forum .

Does cs cure or control hiv And what are the effects when someone is already on the hiv treatment with the combination drugs.

How much and how long should one continue to take the cs and the doses one needs .

I hope i am not off topic

thank you
CS will kill the HIV virus. It may or may not help AIDS depending on what is actually causing the immune system to collapse. Killing the HIV is easy but does little for your health, it is only a marker on how well your immune system is working, and killing it does not make the system any better, except it removes some of the load off of it. One has to address the cause of the deficiency, usually parasites (Primarily in Africa), HPV, or toxins such as benzene and derivatives. For parasites use MMS, for HPV CS is good, and for toxins, get them out of your diet and environment.


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