My wife bought a Sony W220 and absolutely loves it. The new features they added 
to the W series make it one of the top digital cameras on the market. She had 
shaky hands and the pictures still come out good with the stabilization 
feature. No 10x zoom but the 4x works pretty well for us. Picture quality is 
really stellar with the whole Sony line. For $180 it's amazing camera.

---- Jean Baugh <> wrote: 


I am going to buy a Sony brand, small enough to sit in a pocket (female
sized pocket), with a lanyard in case of accidents.

I'm tired of missing at least one outstanding picture every day

There is a lot I don't know about cameras.  I will list the most important
things I'm looking for.
Quality pictures.
10 X zoom but could live with less if I have to.
Ease of operation.  I don't like tweaks and knobs because I'll never know
how to use then.  

I have a Sony Mavica that is used as a straight camera and the pictures
nearly always turn out right.  Even in the darkest light, it works very
well.  It has a white balance knob that drives me nuts.  I never know if it
is set right or not, and why can't it be automatic?

Nice to have a steady shot.

Nice to have auto focus.

Does anyone know if a Sony small camera will fit these wants?

I think pixels mean a more clear picture?

Thank you for any information you might know.


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