Hey, what is the difference between Lugol's iodine and SSKI from Tahoma Clinic? 
 Both are potassium iodide, right?  I started taking two drops a day of SSKI in 
my morning tea about three months ago because Jonathan Wright said it would 
build up in one's mucous membranes and increase resistance to colds and flu.  
It certainly seems to have done that, for I have not had a hint of a cold since 
I started that, not even when I get very little sleep (which used to almost 
guarantee that I had to fight off a cold).  

My wife says she read that taking potassium iodide does not satisfy the body's 
need for iodine, since they are not the same thing.  Anybody know about that?   

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Shirley Reed 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 4:25 PM
  Subject: CS>food poisoning

    CS is excellent for killing the intestinal beasties.  Even after killing 
them, you need to deal with the poisons they leave behind.  Even Walmart 
carries calcium bentonite clay.  Also activated charcoal will mop up toxins.  
If clay is used internally watch out for constipation.  Magnesium will take 
care of that and do good otherwise too.  For healing the liver, you will need 
alpha lipoic acid and milk thistle.  Apparently either one of these can rebuild 
a liver in jig time.  You may need to act very quickly to avoid more nerve 
damage from the toxins.   These are not intended to be medical advice--just 
some of my thinking.   pj   ps  The Lugol's iodine idea is good, but the gov't. 
has made it difficult to get and more expensive.  A compounding pharmacy may 
sell you some or they may not.  But a tropical fish store will have some over 
the counter.   Best wishes,  pj