So, what is the dead short current limit on them?


At 02:24 PM 7/9/2009 -0700, you wrote:
That is all perfect advice Carlene, However, Your hearing a wife's tale about the original inventor of the foot bath, they have been used for as long as I can remember, I am near 70 years old. They have come and gone in popularity. They are back now for some years.

The ones I sell (5 different models ) Range from $515.00 down to $380.00 They all have the same transformer,13 .8 volt preset regulated power supply and Ground Fault protector, and tub of different sizes to fit the model . My professional model six 8 inch long x 1/2 inch dia. stainless steel rods in an array . and holds almost 5 gallons of water. I have sold many to Dr's, and other Medical professionals.
But I am sure some one could make there own just like the homemade CS makers,
That work but not perfectly.

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

--- On Thu, 7/9/09, Carlene Yasak <> wrote:

From: Carlene Yasak <>
Subject: CS>Ionic foot baths and foot lore
Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 5:59 AM

A personal experience.

I bought an ionic foot bath several years ago for myself after testing several models. They were invented by an Australian more than 10 years ago. He has been copied and now there is a wide price range from those for the home ($150 US) to professional modesl (++ $2,000 US). You get what you pay for, however, the main difference is the quality of the metals used to make the array and its size (stainless steel, steel and copper). It's just a plastic basin, a transformer, a timer, an array and two cords. I'm sure someone of the Silver list could tell us how to make one for $30 or less. :)

The cheaper models are not as effective for detox; they still do the job, you just have to do more sessions to get the same result. The baths definitely draw out toxins. You can see them and smell them in the bath water. Still, they will not detox your body overnight or in three sessions. I don't know of anything that will.

Some precautions:
Do not use them if you have a pacemaker or dental implants.
You need to take a mineral supplement if you do a series of foot baths, because they draw out minerals along with everything else.
Never do more than two a week.

An infra red sauna will do the same thing and more, but then it's not in the same price range.


I once met an elderly gentleman from Virginia who was head of the department of pediatrics at the Univ. of Richmond, He soaked his feet in warm water with epsom salts every night and he swore those nightly foot baths were the reason he had never been sick a day in his life. It's worth a try.

It's nice to see you back, Mike!


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