You can live without a spleen--my Aunt fell and "broke" her spleen, meaning
it started hemmoraging because of the fall directly over the spleen area
(she hit a table going down) and they had to remove it.  Being without it,
it never seemed to bother her at all.  I believe the spleen helps the body
kick in the immune/lymph system, kind of like the appendix.  So you do need
to keep your immune system up IF you have to have the spleen removed. 

But I would certainly say to start boosting your immune now, drink the CS
throughout the day, take blood cleansing herbs, fresh made juices, exercise
and sunlight, breath deeply.  Perhaps that will help the body clear the cyst
from the spleen by itself and you won't need to do any medical thing to it.


-------Original Message-------
Hi List--I took a CT Scan and was told I have a cyst in my spleen.  I am
taking an MRI in a
couple of days to get more detail.  Any suggestions???  There has been no
mention of
The Big C….. have to wait and C.  there is no pain by the way.