It depends on what the Kidney stone is composed of Craig.  Most common stones 
are Calcium, and can be dissolved with a Herbal Tea. I have had 
great success with the combination of, Artichoke Root Herb, Chanca Piedra Herb, 
Milk Thistle Herb, Dandelion Root Herb, Juniper Berry Herb, Horny Goat Weed 
herb, & ( Cilantro Leaf & Spearmint Leaf Herbs for better taste) Drink any one 
of these Herb Teas just for prevention now and then, mix and match for verity. 
Just Grind these Herbs and combine them in equal amounts in a a Herb grinder, 
and use one or two teaspoons, to a tall mug of boiling water. Let set until 
cool enough to drink, and sip on it until gone, do this for two days if they do 
not expel the first day. This seems hard but it is not, and works  pretty much 
every time. It will also work as a Kidney-Liver Cleanse.  Most people use a 
spoon of Honey in each cup for better flavor.
Tel Tofflemire

Dewey, AZ.

--- On Thu, 7/16/09, MaryAnn Helland <> wrote:

From: MaryAnn Helland <>
Subject: Re: CS>Kidney Stones...Prevention???
Date: Thursday, July 16, 2009, 7:41 PM

Hi Craig.  The existing ones can be dissolved by taking Magnesium Oxide 
Gluconate (133 mgs.) tablets -- 6 per day until stones pass.  The magnesium 
softens them so that they are not painful to pass.  Afterwards, he should stay 
on two tablets per day as a preventative.  MA

From: Craig Chamberlin <>
To: cs <>
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 2:17:17 PM
Subject: CS>Kidney Stones...Prevention???

Hi All,

A friend of mine is 65 and suffering from kidney stones. Two questions:

1) Is there a way of preventing their formation.

2) Can the existing ones be dissolved.

Thank you,


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