Since I made the comments on the Argyria cure formula, I sent ean mail
to Silvermedicine asking about the argyria cures they list. Jason Eaton
was kind enough to send the response below that I would like to share
with the list. The cure used by Dr. Grace Ziem is discussed a little
more at Eytons' Earth and it may be that it is possible to sweat the
silver out.
I previously sent an email to the site listing EDTA as a cure for
argyria but as yet I have not received a response.
 - Steve N


From: Jason R Eaton [] 
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 9:03 AM
To: Norton, Steve
Subject: Re: Argyria Cured

Hi Steve:
I am no longer in communication with the individuals who reversed
argyria.  Please note that two of the three cases found cures
independently of each other, with common denominators.
Also note, that for years some medical doctors who were more research
oriented than practice oriented have commented that substances like
selenium should theoretically work to bind and "sweep out" silver bound
in tissues.  I came across comments such as these ten years ago.
However, nobody had developed a protocol.
The first case was the individual that had syphilis in his brain.
The second case was a metal smith, a friend of mine, who had severe
argyria and metal toxicity.  He was treated at John Hopkins Center for
Environmental Medicine by Dr. Grace Ziem ( now retired ). Dr. Grace Ziem
came up with the same ingredients that the original argyria sufferer
had; yet independently.  Dr. Ziem's protocol was much more extensive,
including steam sauna baths and other supplements which my friend could
not directly recall.
Yes, the protocol listed at Eytons' Earth is the same one.
I also have reports of two individuals who have visibly lessened the
greyness of the skin within about three months of using the protocol.
One stopped because she was upset that the grey was dissapearing from
her hands but not her neck.  One I eventually lost communication with
just due to the pace of life; she reported that the mild case of argyria
on her face was lessening.
However, I also have one individual who claims the formula has not
worked at all over a six month period; but in all honestly, I could not
see the argyria at all in the original pictures she sent, so I can only
trust her judgement.
Therefore, at this point, I do not believe that the argyria cure will
work for everyone, but I also have no doubt that it can be reversed.  If
nothing more, the article and the forum link can provide a foundation
for further research; a starting point.
I have never met anyone with argyria who has been willing to publically
admit it, or allow me to use their images or personal information.
I wish I had further information to share; as I do get reliable
information, I will do updates.
Kind Regards,

        ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Norton, Steve <>  
        Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 8:16 AM
        Subject: Argyria Cured

        Dear Sirs, 

        You make the following statements on your site: 
        "Fact: We have uncovered three known cases of argyria cured. 
        The first and second cases of argyria cured involve intense
cleansing protocols designed specifically to eliminate silver and other
environmental toxic agents from the human body. The third case, thusfar
unique, involves laser surgery.

        The second confirmed case was a true silver poisoning case with
cosmetic argyria. The case was handled by John Hopkins Center for
Environmental Health, with Dr. Ziem ( now retired ) consulting. The
silver poisoning was due to industrial exposure to a wide array of toxic

        But you provide no details to substantiate your claim. Would you
please provide information on the first cleansing protocol or
confirmatin that you are referring to the formula posted at Eytons'
Earth? Also, did you have direct communication with the first case of
argyria cured or are you relying on an anonymous testamonial? What do
you consider as sufficient to declare a cure confirmed? I read the posts
at Eytons' Earth regardind the formula for a argyria cure and there is a
noticable lack of commenters who used the formula and had success. I
assume that since you claim only 3 know cases of argyria cured that you
are also not aware of anyone, other that the originator of the formula,
who claims success with the formula. Is this correct?

        Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated. BTW, you are
providing a wonderful service with your site. Thank you. 
         - Steve Norton 

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