Have read that Polio was declining before the vaccine & that Jonas Salk refused to have his children vaccinated.

Well, not exactly forced at the point of a sword, but here in Minnesota the congress has decided that kids have to have a certain number of vacs to be allowed in school. They tell everyone it is "the law". The reason for it is: the schools want the kids vaxed so they don't miss any school since they are paid by attendance; once upon a time there was a breakout of measles at the high school level that was traced to a bad batch of vax (bad meaning it was not effective) so now the have mandated all kids must have a second round of mmr at age 12 (stupid reasoning) so they don't miss school; and the medical board (controlled by the AMA) pushes the AMA agenda on the state. I know several doctors that do not agree with the reasoning- the MMR lasts lifelong, etc. The actual Science and facts take a backseat as usual.

To opt out you just need to fill out a form that says you object to it, and sign it in front of a notary, then turn it in.

I found all this out because my son had a severe reaction to the pertussis vaccine, which is pretty common, and he could not have it again. I don't know if many other states have passed such laws or not, but here in MN they are fond of passing laws to "protect the children", even though they have parents to do the job.

I also do not agree with the lines of thought expressed by the link- no one in their right mind would sign such a document no matter what their belief. The document is non sensical and illogical.


On Aug 6, 2009, at 11:11 PM, Indi wrote:

Here in the US we don't have forced flu vaccinations or martial law.
I didn't realize things were so out of control in Australia, or for
that matter that you live in Australia...


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