Dear CS listers......Here is a snip from a post I sent a friend regarding Black 
Salve use>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"While thinking about it I just went to 
change the dressing with new Vaseline on the BB size  hard white headed cist?? 
tumor?? ever what, and it looked very oozy.
  It's just above my eye brow and I've been using the black salve on it........ 
I squeezed it like a pimple [ which I've done many times during the past couple 
years, in vain] 
This time it popped out and I picked off what came out but it wasn't all of 
it... squeezed again and then took tweezers and pulled the core out, about 1/8 
inch more, bloody but very cool event. No pain. 
I have CS on it now with bandage... we shall see. Don't really care if it scars 
but glad to not have a white knot growing larger on my forehead. YA YA. Later 
 It's post 2 weeks now and no scar, slight redness which is about gone. Good 
job Tel; thanks

larry tankersley, Gainesville FL. USA