sorry, what is IMHO?

Subject: RE: CS>Recent benefits of colloidal silver
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 19:03:43 +1030

Now I beg to differ.  I don't know about where you are but where I am people 
get stomack bugs at any time, and can also have a cold or flu at the same time, 
this was well before this swine business ever became popular.  The quacks 
always put it down to the stock standard "It's just a virus going around", in 
other words they haven't a clue, so why would/should it be any different now?
I'm no expert on human anatomy but how could bugs come up as EIS is going down? 
 If this were to be the case then it would pretty much make EIS not worth two 
squirts of yabby water surely.
I think people may sometimes 'hear too much' and rationalization then tends to 
take a back seat.  IMHO.  A level head, logic and common sense should be the 
order of the day.  And if these people are now well, what's the point of 
questioning?  Job done, bugs gone, closed book.  Again, IMHO.

Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 03:33:36 -0400
Subject: Re: CS>Recent benefits of colloidal silver

Hi Bob.

I beg to differ.
The swine flu likes the gut, intestines and lower respiratory systems. Could be 
that this is the first signs of the swine.
I keep track of these things. Two people had almost the same symptoms, more 
questions should be asked. Did they eat the same meal,restaurant? The normal 
flu usually doesn't affect the lower respiratory systems or cause vomiting and 
diarrhea.  The swine flu does from what I have heard. Maybe drinking that much 
CS it entered the upper intestines? 


Sam L.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 1:16 AM, Bob Banever <> wrote:

      That's great news Keith but I doubt the condition was a swine flu.  It 
sounds like a bacterial infection of some sort... salmonella, e coli etc.  CS 
would certainly work against that quickly if enough was consumed but it doesn't 
work so quickly with a flu.  Usually takes 2 - 3 days to rid yourself of a flu 
with CS, even when taking alot of it.  Virus are more difficult to inactivate 
as they live inside of our cells.  

----- Original Message ----- 
From: keith rice 

Sent: Saturday, August 08, 2009 8:08 AM
Subject: CS>Recent benefits of colloidal silver

On Tuesday night i spent the whole night being sick and to tell the truth is 
was flying out both ends. In the morning my gut was still really painful and I 
took a quarter pint of colloidal silver. Literally within 5 minutes my pain was 
gone and I felt better. Yesterday my niece called my with exactly the same 
symptoms as I had but she had called a doctor before me and he told her you 
have swine flu!!! This was an over the phone diagnosis whch i found incredible. 
he told her to get a family member to ome pick up a prescription which was for 
Tamiflou! Needless to say i rushed up with a bottle of colloidal silver for my 
niece and told her not to take Tamiflou. She had not eaten for 2 days and was 
feeling sick and had really sore stomach pains. I gave her a quarter pint of 
Colloidal silver and left her with her mother. They called me back 30 minutes 
later she was feelling great and was hungry and ate bacon and eggs as she had 
been starving. I called her again this morning and she if feeling great. 
Colloidal silver is a true wonder. 

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