In our recent researches evaluating this technology and, consequently, in searching for possible "process" improvements/modifications which might facilitate the "lay person" an opportunity for a DIY methodology achievable in a home environment---we did achieve some notable progress.
First, a brief summary of our exploratory activity. Our literature searches revealed several companies actively exhibiting valid capability in this area (LET).
Typical, and demonstrably capable, is a company named MICROTEK.
Helpful information is available here.
One fact became obvious, early on, to wit: The truly striking feature of LET was a NATURALLY-occurring characteristic...... and not a man-made process, that was driving this encapsulation process. That is, this process is a function of an automatic, "natural tendency" of certain substances (e.g. phospholipids in this case) to form tiny vacoules or
bubbles---called liposomes----when in a aqueous solution under certain conditions. "
The keystone activity is that these liposomes automatically fill themselves with whatever aqueous solution they were in----before they were formed. "This type of bubble, called a membrane, forms a protective barrier around virtually every cell in the human body."
Livon Labs has perfected a process which employs a high-pressure (1700 p.s.i.) discharge system which directs a liquid stream against a forming plate. The high impact forces the phospholipids (soy lecithin in this case) to form liposomes----so small they require an electrom microscope for viewing. This technology does not create the LET just enhances it. In our personal researches we have determined the key to exploiting the LET phenomenon appeared to be Livon's application of intense force in their mixing methodology.
Enter the "enlightening" moment. Searching for a method of achieving liposomal encapsulation, it occurred to us to explore ultrasonic stimulation as an option. It worked...maybe not quite as well as Livon's "high tech" brute force approach...but about 70% as well. Plenty efficient for our purposes.
Our vitamin "C" liposomal encapsulation protocol is as follows:
Using a small (2 cup) Ultrasonic cleaner, (Item #03305, obtainable from Harbor Freight @ about $30.00), we performed the following:
1. Dissolved 3 level tablespoons of soy lecithin in 1 cup of water (preferably distilled).
2. Dissolved 1 level tablespoon of ascorbic acid powder (Vit. "C") in 1/2 cup
of water.
3. Poured both solutions together in the ultrasonic cleaner bowl and turned the unit on. Using a plastic straw (leaving the top of the cleaner opened), gently, slowly, stirred the contents. Note: The cleaner will, automatically, self-stop about every 2 minutes. Just push ON button to continue. Repeat for a total of 3 series (6 minutes). By that time the entire solution should be blended into a cloudy, homogeneous,
milk-like mixture. The LET solution is now formed.
4. This protocol furnishes about 12 grams (12000mg.) of vitamin C product. At 70% encapsulation efficiency, 8400 mg would be of the LET type. This solution will keep, acceptably, at room temperature for 3 to 4 days. Refrigerated, it will keep much longer. We use it so fast around our place...there isn't enough left to be concerned over storage. The "homogenizing effect" is so powerful that after 3 days at room temperature, no precipitation or solution separation appears evident. This type of sequestered vitamin "C" has demonstrated to be, at least 5 times more effective (per volumetric measure) than any other form of orally-ingested vitamin "c"....that we have tested. Additionally, it appears to be even more rapid in tissue-bed availability----than IV applications. An astounding us. We estimate the DIY researcher can produce the active LET portion of this solution for 15 cents per against about $1.00 per gram from commerci! al sources.
It is my hope that this, limited, explanation of our activities in this area,
is of some value to our do-it-yourself health-maintenance researchers. In any event, this protocol has demonstrated to be n on-toxic and most helpful to OUR RESEARCHES.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
p.s. A larger, more powerful, ultrasonic cleaner is now available at Harbor Freight. Item number 91593. 2+ liters, for about $60.00. Both units have performed quite well for us. Almost as well as our $500.00 lead zirconate titanate, research grade, unit.

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