Do be aware that DMSO will carry anything it comes in contact with into the
body. Pesticides, dissolved plastic, nail polish etc are all dangerous when
used near DMSO. If you are doing it transdermally make sure your skin is
clean of any toxins!
Scott Adams


From: jr orrilia [] 
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: CS>liposomal 'stuff'

Good point Day.  Meant to type that in but forgot.  Thanks for the


From: Day Sutton <>
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 12:43:02 PM
Subject: Re: CS>liposomal 'stuff'

DMSO is pretty trickey.  I don't recomment anyone using it without doing
your due dilligence by reading "DMSO Natures Remedy" by Dr. Morton Walker...

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:59 AM, jr orrilia <> wrote:

Hi A. EVans, you can start with diluting the DMSO (if it is 99.99% DMSO)
with distilled water.  70% DSMO and 30% distilled water is what I use. Pour
the DMSO into the water.  If it is too strong for your skin, add more water.
The only hazard I can think of is the smell of garlic that others and
yourself might notice, and try not putting it too close to your eyes. It's a
great product. Also google DMSO and there is great information, just don't
listed to the fear based info. Maybe others have more info to share with
you.  Good luck. Orrila


From: "Evans, Antonio F." <> 


Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 10:41:26 AM
Subject: RE: CS>liposomal 'stuff'

how do I use the DMSO? what are some of the hazards'? I have my first bottle
waiting on some instructions please share...

A. Evans/ (OMPA) 
 Desk: 202.461.8863 
Fax: 202.565.4679 



From: Shirley Reed [] 
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 8:16 PM
Subject: CS>liposomal 'stuff'

   This really promises to be great!!!   Some questions---1)  Is there a way
to use the granulated lecithin or must we use the liquid?      2)   The
ribose idea is certainly interesting.  What other substances are you all
thinking of tinkering with??    My unit will be here in a few days and I
want to be ready to give it a real work-out.    3)  Any negatives related to
using this Vit. C on the skin?   Or is it just try it somewhere on a small
area until satisfied it won't hurt anything?     4)  Any ideas about using
iodine or DMSO or other substances or combinations of such?    Some very
fertile minds on this list and all 'pickings' are appreciated.  :)     pj
Thanks in advance.


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