The following link compares Silver Well and Invive, but its basically applicable to any good quality home-made colloidal silver Vs Invive.
(Theres some mighty huge particles in Invive!)


From: Ode Coyote <>
Date: 20 August 2009 7:33:36 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Invive

  Invive is Mild Silver Protein
MSP is said to be about 1/50 as effective as home made as most of the silver is covered by protein and the particle sizes are pretty large. You can Google "Chemical Supply" and buy MSP powder by the kilo for a reasonable price...just mix with water. There is now another product in the catalog called "nano-silver powder". which is probably far superior.

The Invive website only survives making ludicrous claims and dangerous recommendations *** because it's based in Canada....and I don't think it makes any Canadian sales. "loophole" to avoid the FTC and FDA and whatever Canadian legalities as well

*** To bring the level of silver "in the blood stream" up to a effective 20 PPM, it takes.....


If I were you I'd stay away from that pack of dangerous crooks [Invive]


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