The guy is on YouTube and put together a device to make the CS - his screen name is efreeme. Does anyone know about the silver he's selling? All I can do is go on trust and faith with this - the rods seem to be a very soft and malleable silver.

Re the water - I am using distilled water that I got from a pharmacy. They sell it here in bulk which means you bring your own container. What could have *possibly* happened is that the plastic water container that I brought them had a tiny drop of the mineral water in it - and thereby contaminated the distilled. That is a possibility. I will go back and get more and do another batch with a cleaner bottle and post the results.

Thanks so much for your input. Much appreciated,

B.Trig wrote:
Hi Joy,

I wouldn't recommend using the resulting brew for anything until you're
sure you've actually got silver of at least .999 purity for electrodes.
I get .9999 (99.99% pure) from this site
Never had any problems, and it's pretty cheap.

BTW I reposted this to the list, so others might be able to comment -- hope you don't mind. Once in a while hitting "reply" sends mail to the poster's
personal address instead of the list, I'm thinking that's probably what
happened with this mail.


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