Hi Janine,

Yes, I have tried it.  It works fairly well, but immediately causes a 
dependence.  I want to get my body working on its own.

I am presently taking 300 billion (yep, billion) organisms a day in an 
acidophious, l. bifidum, i. whoknowswhat mixture.  There is a fellow who says 
he cured his candida with friendly flora alone, after 4 months.   Jury is 
still out for me.

Best wishes,

<< Taylor,  read your post on constipation, have you tried Cascara Sagrada? It
 is a natural herb that can be taken regularly with no ill effects, helps
 very quickly and once you get your dose right it should keep you regular. It
 is very inexpensive and can be found even at Walmart in the herb section.
 You possibly might need Acidophilis Lactobacillius tabs. also, this is the
 friendly bacteria found in normal intestines.
 Janine >>

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