Interesting history. Thanks. Makes you wonder how many discoveries were the 
result of mistakes. 
 - Steve N

----- Original Message -----
From: Ode Coyote <>
To: <>
Sent: Tue Aug 25 04:08:58 2009
Subject: RE: CS>Silver/Autism/Safety [H2O2 discovery]

   I didn't actually "discover" it and I don't recall who did...but I seem 
to recall it was a female that brought it up about 2-3 years ago.
  I may have developed the discovery some...Marshal too...and several others.

It was a "lister" who asked a question, I think..did it by accident or for 
some other reason, like a mouthwash experiment maybe and got a surprising 
  ie their CS turned brown and murky instantly.
I tried it on a different circumstance and got a different result..already 
colored CS..cleared up. [Just like it cleans up black electrodes....another 
obscured by time silverlister discovery ]

I think it was Nancy Delise that contributed the most to the idea with 
those micrographs.

...which, BTW, shows how bogus the oft touted [by natural immunogenics] TEM 
pics are and how bogus using a T.Electron Microscope to size particles is, 
as those particles shown had never been in the water. [and Stephen Q knows 
it, but still "tests" samples for money and uses that method to prove 
something that's not the least bit true ]

  "Actual" [EIS] CS doesn't look anything like those photos, at all.

Kudos to Mike Devour for gathering up our accidents into this virtual 
bottle of compressed brain farts.

The original "Light Bulb" idea cartoon balloon ....was a gas light.
  Tommy Edison just made having ideas a bit safer...a bit less explosive. 


At 12:41 PM 8/24/2009 -0500, you wrote:
>Yes, it is 3% H202.
>My apologies to Ode for not realizing he was the discoverer of the 
>technique. And thanks to Marshall for his part as well.
>  - Steve N

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