
     Great post... Bravo!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thora Rasmusen (Home)" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Life Enhancement:: The Truth about Healthcare Reform ( OT)

I live in a country with universal health care, and it's just as corrupt as
the US.  The problem with health care is not insurance or universal health
care, or anything like that.

It's the fact that main stream medicine completely ignores the fact that
what we eat causes us to be sick.  The promotion of junk food and garbage
food is beyond any movement to promote healthy food.  The craziness in our
modern day system is all the insane things they do to our food, with
pesticides, herbicides, food additives, chemicals in the water.  It is
everywhere, and so very few people have any knowledge of the damage these
things do.  So very few people have any idea of what healthy food is.
Yesterday, I watched some one who had a blasting head ache all day sit down
and eat an apple turnover, made with premixed pastry, premixed apple
filling, premixed sugar topping, and a chocolate milk, and she truly thought it would make her feel better. What passes for food is disgusting, and what passes for restaurants is disgusting. I cringe every time I see the premade restaurant food delivery truck pull up to a restaurant. No one has any idea
what whole food is, or what home made means.

I'd love to see future food charts include a section called "non-food" to
include things like sugar, white flour, etc. so that people begin to
understand that there are things you should never eat.

There are extremely few people out there sharing with us the damage that
this stuff does, and those who do are ridiculed beyond belief. There is too
much money to be made in processing food, and they have the knowledge to
hire marketers, add people and the like.  There is no money to be made in
whole food, etc.

Our society will need to make some sort of shift to get to the point where
it will promote something that will make a huge portion of society poorer
money wise so that all can be healthy. I have no idea what that shift will be. But I sure do know that all those around me think I'm a fruit cake with
my eat natural attitude.  Very few would tolerate that, and would just go
back to following the crowd, so as to not make waves. Our society does not
teach bucking the system at all.  We're taught to follow, listen to the
"experts", and don't question. We are certainly not taught to question our
medical system, that's taboo.

So, if you're interested in health, do not listen to any expert, do your own
research, and it will take a massive commitment of time.  This knowledge
isn't going to be handed to you on a silver platter. Remember, no oen makes a dime if you get well. No one. Only you are better off. No one is put in
a stronger position of control if you are well.  No one.  Only you are
stronger.  No government agency or insurance company is better off if you
are well, the reason for their existence will disappear if you are well,
they will not be needed to take care of you, they will not be needed to run your life if your are well. You can then run your own life. Remember, only
you benefit if you are well.

I'll run my own life, thank you very much, and I don't care whether I live
in a country with universal health or private, because I won't use it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Clayton Family []
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Life Enhancement:: The Truth about Healthcare Reform ( OT)

If you think there is no rationing of health care right now, then you have
been blessed with good heath. Or maybe you can get along ok with what passes
for health care. But rationing does exist- through denial of care and
exclusions of preexisting conditions. HMO's are big business at it's worst-
making BILLIONS of dollars, even right now at the height of the recession.
they are raking it in; by denying care and denying payment to doctors. They
try to keep it all, as much as possible.

The "Truth" that is represented here is a slanted view that is not based on
reality- it IS happening already.

To have control is to take responsibility for one's health and not to hand it over to HMO's, MD's or anyone. I would like to spend my health care money
the way I want to- not the way the HMO thinks I should spend it. I can do
that now if I want to be uninsured.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 8:42 AM, Karen and Jerry Conrad wrote:

I will keep sounding the alarm, anyone over the age of 40 needs to be
concerned about this. Karen Conrad

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